Friday, August 26, 2016

Review Game and Region Notes

This Day in History
Second Bull Run campaign begins
Regions of the US: Notes
Review Game- Jeopardy
Resources to Understand Lesson

Northeast Region:
-flat and rocky soils
-few natural resources
-birthplace of America
-home of historical importance in US History
-Culturally European
-Major City is NYC
-Capital: D.C,

South Region:
-Cotton and Tobacco
-Slavery and racial tensions
-traditional and conservative
-swamp and bayou

Midwest Region:
-Most of it is flat
-Breadbasket of the nation
-Chicago is the hub
-birth place of the Republican party
-isolationism point of view in terms of foreign interference
-Mississippi River is the lifeline for this region

West Region:
-Regarded as the "Last Frontier"
-Population is sparse
-Recreational activities such as fishing, camping, etc. 
-Mountainous region

Review Game Questions and Answers:
Section 1
-Established churches
1. Native American in the _______ were living in the Americas long before Christopher Columbus came. (millions)
2. Many ______ immigrants arrived after gold was discovered in California in 1848. (Chinese)
3. _______, an antislavery newspaper was founded by William Lloyd Garrison in 1831. (Liberator)
4. Ralph Waldo _______ reflected optimism and individualism in early American culture. (Emerson)
5. Religious _________ encouraged people to take personal responsibility for their faith and to lead holy lives. (reformers)

Section 2
-Executive Branch
-Judicial Branch
-Legislative Branch
-Separation of powers
-Checks and Balances
Continue the rest on Monday

Tonight's homework