Thursday, August 18, 2016

United States Map Review

This Day in History
1864: Union attacks railroad at Globe Tavern
Welcome Back!
Course Outline
Resources to Understand Lesson

8th Grade
Modern United States History

Course Abilities [Apply the following to each content standard.]

1.   Develop abilities in social studies.

     A. Higher thinking (analyze, evaluate, classify, predict, estimate, generalize, solve, decide, relate, interpret, simplify).

     B. Communications (present, demonstrate, persuade, collaborate, explain, defend, recommend).

     C. Goal setting/attainment (brainstorm, envision, research, plan, organize, persist).
     D. The quality process (plan, draft, analyze, and revise when producing products).

2.   Be able to apply social studies knowledge and skills to a variety of purposes.
     A. Be able to support positions in a responsible manner (research, thesis, organize support, recommendations).
     B. Be able to relate social studies to your life.
         -view life from other perspectives and others’ point of view
         -understand key forces (inventions, discoveries, people, events, moments) which have shaped our world
         -explain the causes and effects key forces have on you, the present, the future
         -use the past and present (other cultures, other situations, and different places) to solve problems, make decisions, and predict the future
         -relate current events to your life (be conversant, know sources related to current events, conduct research)
      C. Possesses technical skills:
         -read/write/present: instructions, table, chart, reports, progress, research, proposal, letters (complaint, request, application, response, recommendation), manual, form, checklist, resume, brochure/pamphlet, bid, summary
         -technology: word processing, spreadsheet, database, desktop publishing, Internet, search tools, AV production.

Course Content
3. Understand key influences which shaped and still shape the United States
    A. Know the groups which have inhabited the modern United States
    B. Know the cultures (beliefs, values, accepted behaviors, environment) of Modern Americans
    C. Know about daily life in modern United States history, including such thins as tools and technology, routines, pleasures, and setting
    D. Know about key foreign and domestic events, people, inventions, such things as tools and technology, routines, pleasures and setting
    E. Know motivations which lead to change in modern United States history and how they affected modern United States history

4. Possess a chronological perspective of modern United States history
    A. Be able to place key influences on a timeline
    B. Be able to relate key influences to what was happening just before, during and after the key influence.
    C. Possess logical sense of progression of modern United States history

5. Possess a visual sense of modern United States history
    A. Be able to develop and interpret maps, charts, and graphs which show view of the world at various points in modern United States history
    B. Be able to develop and interpret charts, mps, and graphs which show key information such as population, resources, movement, battles and change over time.

6. Be able to view modern United States history from various perspectives
    A. Be able to describe key influences from different perspectives
    B. Know what was important to various groups in modern United State History
    C. Know how key influences changed the lives of various groups in modern United States history

7. Understand the relationship between human culture and the modern United States history
    A. Know how the culture affects modern United States History
    B. Know how history affected the culture of modern United States
    C. Know how the basic precepts of the Constitution and Bill of Rights have affect modern United States history

Tonight's homework