Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Ch. 14 "How to Think Like an Historian": Determining Relevance

This Day in History
Confederate evacuate Battery Wagner and Morris Island, South Carolina
Ch. 14: A Nation Divided (1846-1861)
Review Quiz
"How to Think like an Historian": Determine Relevance

Answers to the TAKE HOME QUIZ:
1. E: Abolitionist who led a raid on U. S. Army weapons stored at Harpers Ferry - John Brown
2. B: False or Misleading information that is spread to further a cause - propaganda
3. A: Candidate for the Senate who argued that slavery was morally wrong - Abraham Lincoln
4. D: Process that allows people in a territory or state to vote directly on issues rather than have their elected representatives decide - popular sovereignty

5. C: Senator from South Carolina who opposed the Compromise of 1850 - John C. Calhoun
6. A
7. A
8. C
9. B
10. C
11. B
12. B
13. B
14. C
15. A
16. C
17. A or B
18. A

Tonight's homework
Study for Ch. 14 Test Friday, Sept. 9
Tomorrow we will play Jeopardy Game for points!