Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Ch. 18 Key Terms and People Quiz and REVIEW

Ch. 18 Sec. 1-4 Key Terms and People Quiz
Ch. 18 Sec. 5
pg. 632 - 635
  • Explain how public education changed after 1870.
  • Identify new American writers and the topics they wrote about.
  • Describe the growth of the American newspaper industry.
Focus Question: What were the causes and effects of an expended educational system?
Resources to Understand Lesson

Ch. 18 Sec. 5 Notes
Education and Culture
Key Terms and Key People

  1. Compulsory Education: is the requirement that children attend school up to a certain age
  2. Realist: writers who try to show life as it is
  3. Mark Twain: Most popular author at the time, pen name of Samuel Clemens, realistic stories capturing the speech patterns of southerners who worked along the Mississippi River
  4. Joseph Pulitzer: Created the first modern, mass-circulation newspaper: New York World
  5. Yellow Journalism: describe the sensational reporting style
Sec. 5 Summary:
-Education expanded in response to the needs of industry.
-As more people learned to read, popular books and newspapers boomed. 
-Before 1870, fewer than half of American children went to school.
-As industry grew, people realized that the nation needed an educated workforce.
-In 1852, Massachusetts passed the first compulsory education law.
-By 1918, every state required children to attend school.
-Higher education also expanded. 

Answers to Ch. 18 Review Sheet
1. C
2. A
3. E
4. B
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. B
9. A
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. B
15. C
16. B 
17. A
18. On your own

Notebook Check Requirements:
Ch. 18 Sec. 1-4 Blog Worksheet, everything neat, written out and titled.
Ch. 18 Review Sheet
-Each assignment is worth 20 points and this is a PROJECT grade
Good Luck Studying!
Tonight's homework
 Study for Ch. 18 Test TOMORROW!
Notebook Check TOMORROW as well!