Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Crash Course #26 & #27

Crash Course Video and Questions
Resources to Understand Lesson

Gilded Age #26

Gilded Age #26
  1. The Gilded Age gets the name from a book written by Charlie Dudley Warner and what other famous author?
  2. What political body did Twain hate? ___________________________
  3. The most famous political machine was Tammany Hall, located in what city?
  4. In exchange for the help these political machines gave to the poor and the immigrant classes, the machine wanted what?
  5. When voter fraud was not enough, many of the political machines chose to use what two methods?
  6. Which one-term president was assassinated during this time of corrupt politics? 
  7. Which party was against the tariffs? __________________________________
  8. The Sherman Anti-trust Act was designed to break up monopolies but instead was usually used against what types of organizations? 
Progressive Era #27
 Progressive Era #27
  1. If the Gilded Age was a period where people noted that there were societal problems, what did people do in the Progressive Age? 
  2. Large, monopolistic, industrial combinations were called what?
  3. What is a form of journalism, where the dirt of society was shown to the people?
  4. What 2 Acts did the Jungle lead to?
  5. Since workers did not have twitter, what did they have to organize in order to be heard?
  6. The ‘Wobblies’ or the Industrial Workers of the World, were what kind of political group?___________________________________________________________
  7. The dangerous accumulation of wealth was thought to be cured by what?
  8. What were some of the ‘new-fangled devices’ of the mass-consumer society? 
  9. What is the process of allowing voters to put issues directly on the ballot and voting on them at the time of elections? 
  10. How were immigrants shut out of the political process? 
  11. Other than literacy requirements, some southern states also charged what?
  12. What is the Supreme Court decision of 1896 which made segregation legal?
  13. What organization did W. E. B. DuBois help found? 
  14. What tactics of the progressives do we use today to try to change social issues? 
Tonight's homework
 Finish Classwork
Newsela due Sunday!!