Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Ch. 22 Jeopardy Review Game Day 2

Character Trait of the Month:
The process of adapting well in the face of adversity

Word of the Week:
willingness to change or compromise
Ch. 22: The Roaring 20s
Jeopardy Review Game
Resources to Understand Lesson

Essay Questions for Ch. 22 Test
1. Describe the threat of communism affected events in America. Give details from the chapter.
Following the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917, postwar strikes in the US made some Americans afraid that a revolution was beginning. A series of bombings in 1919 heightened these fears. The bombings were the work of anarchists, people who oppose organized government. Many anarchists were foreign-born, and the bombings led to an outcry against all foreigners. Thousands of anarchists and Communists were hunted down and arrested. Many were deported. Two Italian immigrants, Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti, were accused of robbery and murder. With little evidence, the prosecution focused on the fact that both defendants were foreigners and anarchist. Sacco and Vanzetti were convicted and executed. Fears about communism also led to new limits on immigration into the United States.
2. Explain how economic factors lead to the election of Republican Warren Harding in 1920. Use details from the chapter.
The end of WWI was followed by an economic recession. Factories shut down and workers lost their jobs. Soldiers returning form the war found it difficult to find work. Also, labor disputes led to many strikes after the war. All of this made Woodrow Wilson and Democrats unpopular. Many Americans hoped that a change of leadership would restore prosperity. The Republican nominee for president, Warren Harding, promised a return to "normalcy" if elected. It was what the public wanted, and Harding won by a landslide.
Ch. 22 Jeopardy Game
Tonight's homework
Study using the notes you took from the Jeopardy Game and the worksheet below
Study for the Ch. 22 Test TOMORROW!!

Ch. 22 Review Sheet

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. B
6. C
7. C
8. C
9. C