Friday, April 7, 2017

Ch. 24 WWII Project

4/7/2017Character Trait of the Month:
The state or quality of being dedicated to a case, activity, etc.

Word of the Week:
The power or ability to act or take charge before others do.
Ch. 24 World War Era
Timeline and Map Project
Resources to Understand Lesson
For the "project", you do NOT have to color or cut anything. Simply write NEATLY the information and details of these significant battles and key events of WWII.

If you will not be going on the trip to D.C. we will color these sheets for the classroom WWII wall.

Nonaggression Pact:
-Germany and the Soviet Union
-Because Germany did not want to fight a war on two fronts

Invasion of Poland:
-France and England realized appeasement was not working
-No need to draw "blitzkrieg"

Fall of France:
-Lack of strategic space and a poor military.
-You CAN draw the Eiffel Tower.

The Battle of Britain:
-The Royal Air Force (RAF)
-Radar so they know the Nazis were coming
-No need to draw "dog fight"

Pearl Harbor:
-Japan attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii because of US Oil Embargo
-US declares war on Japan and joins WWII

-It was the deadliest battle of all time with over a million casualties
-No need to draw Iwo Jima.

-It was close to England, not as well defended and large enough to have so many entrance points
-No need to draw defenses.

Hiroshima and Nagasaki:
-President Truman did not want to risk any more American lives.
-No need to draw mushroom.
Tonight's homework
Finish Newsela!
Due at the beginning of class on Monday!