Friday, April 28, 2017

Ch. 26 & 27 Review

4/28/2017Character Trait of the Month:
The state or quality of being dedicated to a case, activity, etc.

Word of the Week:
Working hard without giving up
Ch. 26 and 27 Review
Resources to Understand Lesson

Ch. 26: The Civil Right Era

Sec. 1: Beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement
The case of Brown v. Board of Education f Topeka and the Montgomery bus boycott were tow early milestones in the civil rights movement.

Sec. 2: An Expanding Role for Government
The activism of the Warren Court and the reforms of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson expanded the role of the federal government.

Sec. 3: The Civil Rights Movement Continues
During the 1960s, the civil rights movement won major victories but also fragmented into moderate and radical factions.

Sec. 4: Other Americans Seek Rights
Among the citizens who organized to seek change were women, Latinos, Native Americans, older Americans and people with disabilities 

Ch. 27: The Vietnam War Era

Sec. 1: The War Begins
Hoping to block the spread of communism, the United States backed South Vietnam with military aid.

Sec. 2: American Involvement Grows
An expanding war in Vietnam drew a massive commitment of U.S. forces and sharply divided Americans.

Sec. 3: The War Ends
After the United States negotiated peace and withdrew its forces, all of Vietnam came under Communist rule

Sec. 4: A Time of Uncertainty
President Nixon's accomplishments were overshadowed by the Watergate affair, which led to his resignation.



Tonight's homework
Ch. 26 Packet is due tomorrow at the end of the class period.
Ch. 27 Packet is due Monday, May 1st.
Lastly, 2 Newsela articles are due Sunday, Apr. 30th.