4/25/2017 | Character Trait of the Month: Commitment The state or quality of being dedicated to a case, activity, etc. Word of the Week: Perseverance Working hard without giving up |
| ERB Testing Day 2 Algebra 1 Quantitative Reasoning |
Resources to Understand Lesson
Ch. 26: The Civil Right Era
Sec. 1: Beginnings of the Civil Rights Movement
The case of Brown v. Board of Education f Topeka and the Montgomery bus boycott were tow early milestones in the civil rights movement.
Sec. 2: An Expanding Role for Government
The activism of the Warren Court and the reforms of Presidents Kennedy and Johnson expanded the role of the federal government.
Sec. 3: The Civil Rights Movement Continues
During the 1960s, the civil rights movement won major victories but also fragmented into moderate and radical factions.
Sec. 4: Other Americans Seek Rights
Among the citizens who organized to seek change were women, Latinos, Native Americans, older Americans and people with disabilities
Tonight's homework
None :) Rest up for ERBs! Charge your iPad and eat breakfast!