Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Ch. 22 Sec. 4: The Economy of the 1920s

Character Trait of the Month: 
The process of adapting well in the face of adversity
Word of the Week: 
Positive attitude about, and trust in one’s self; sense of security and self-assurance
    Ch. 22: The Roaring Twenties
    Sec. 4: The Economy of the 1920s
    • Describe the causes and effects of the industrial boom that occurred in the 1920s
    • Explain how rising stock prices encouraged many to borrow money to invest in the stock market.
    • Identify groups that did not profit from the prosperity of the 1920s
    • Describe the election of 1928 and Herbert Hoover's victory.

    Focus Question: What economic problems threatened the economic boom of the 1920s?
    Resources to Understand Lesson


    Tonight's homework
    Finish Classwork