Wednesday, March 8, 2017

WWI Timeline Project - Day 1

Character Trait of the Month: 
The process of adapting well in the face of adversity
Word of the Week: 
Positive attitude about, and trust in one’s self; sense of security and self-assurance
    World War I Timeline Project
    • In-Class, individual project
    • Neatness counts
    • No pencil marks at all and everything must be colored
    • Effort and care must be present in your work- 100%
    Resources to Understand Lesson


    Under the Assassination Picture:
    Gavrilo Princip, a Serbian nationalist, assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary.

    Battle of The Marne:
    was a First World War battle fought from September 7-12th, 1914. It resulted in an Allied victory against the German Army.

    The Schliefen Plan:
    Devised as a way to help Germany survive the earliest phase of World War I by knocking out its western opponent France before turning its attentions to Russia in the east. The plan called for an advance through Belgium and a rapid assault on Paris.

    Allied attack in Turkey (Ottoman Empire) to attempt to get to Russia from the Dardanelles Peninsula. 
    No, it was not successful. The attack was repelled by Ottoman Forces.

    The Battle of Verdun, fought from 21 February to 18 December 1916, was one of the largest and longest battles of the First World War on the Western Front between the German and French armies. French Victory.

    Battle of the Somme:
    The Battle of the Somme was a battle of the First World War fought by the armies of the British and French empires against the German Empire. Inconclusive Victory.

    America Joins:
    -The Zimmerman Telegraph showed US how Germany was trying to get Mexico to join the Central Powers in promise for land.
    -American troops supported France and Allied forces by bolstering weapons and man power.

    Russia Leaves: 
    -The Bolshevik Revolution overthrew the tsar
    -It hurt because now Germany could focus on the Western Front

    Armistice Day: 
    November 11, 1918 (Now, Veterans Day in US.)

    Tonight's homework
    None :)