Thursday, March 30, 2017

Ch. 23 Project - Day 1

3/30/2017Character Trait of the Month:
The process of adapting well in the face of adversity

Word of the Week:
Consistent attention to quality work; remaining focused on your goal
Ch. 23
The Great Depression and the New Deal
Resources to Understand Lesson
1. Please look in your textbook or online to fill in all the vocabulary terms on this foldable. Required: Color the outside panel. 
2. FDR's New Deal 

  • Relief: Immediate help to Americans
    • CCC
    • HOLC
    • Bank Holiday
    • FCA
  • Reform: Permanent changes to avoid another Depression
    • FDIC
  • Recovery: Temporary programs to restart a recovery
    • WPA
    • NYA
    • FHA
    • NIRA
3. Dust Bowl: Color the map like this - 
Who? Small farmers and settlers in the six states in the southern plains.
How? Drought and high winds resulted in wind erosion and blowing away of soil beds
When? 1933-1940
Why? Improper farming methods for over 4 generations resulted in the removal of topsoil
4. Stock Market Crash
  • Buying on Margin: borrowing money in order to buy stocks
  • Overproduction of Goods: a situation in which the supply of manufactured goods exceeds the demand
  • Laissez-Faire Government Policies: government not interfering in the workings of the free market 
Tonight's homework
none :)
You are allowed to wear running/P.E. shorts or pants with your P.E. shirts tomorrow.